Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.4.0 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

21-May-2018 : v3.4.0 + [New Feature] You can now control shortcode's content in any language without editing the .ini files. You have three text areas which you can change 1) The text BEFORE Accept/Decline, 2) The text AFTER Accept, 3) The text AFTER Decline. + [New Feature] You can use two new shortcodes in your custom texts. 1) The {cpnb_cookies_info_table} (Display a table of website's served cookies), and 2) {cpnb_buttons} (Display the Allow/Delete/Reload buttons) + [New Feature] More input texts in the plugin settings to take control of some strings in any language without editing the .ini files. + [New Feature] Block Cookies by blocking their Javascript Code (Advanced Settings tab). You can block the javascript code that uses cookies. Add the full javascript code in each textarea form field. The javascript code (with its cookies) will not be displayed in the page source if the user does not click on the accept button. + [New Feature] You can give descriptions for specific cookies. (For example, for the cookie "_ga" you can write this: "Used to collect Google Analytics data."). + [New Feature] Cancel Button has been added to the cookies notification bar. The 'Cancel' button just hides the notification bar and display the bar again on the next page after refresh. [Thank you, Michael Maass] + [New Feature] Instead of the "OK, I've understood" button in the modal popup window, now also displayed the "Decline" and the "Cancel" button. [Thanks, Michael Maass] + [New Feature] The "Always Display" functionality is back. The cookies notification bar will be displayed even if the user accepts or decline. This feature mostly used by admins in the first steps of setup and customizations. ^ [Improvement] Always store acceptance/declined logs (in the database), not only if the "Block Cookies" parameter is enabled. ^ [Improvement] If special characters are used in the text of notification bar and the "mbstring" and "iconv" PHP functions are missing, do not return any PHP errors. [Thank you, Antti Saarikoski] ^ [Improvement] Do not load anything in the dom (HTML code, CSS inline code, JS code or files, etc.), if the plugin has selected to be hidden on the chosen page(s) from the plugin settings. ^ [Improvement] The "cookiesDeclined" cookie is now displayed in the cookies info table. [Thank you, Sena Emilio] ^ [Improvement] The "Delete Cookies" functionality in the schortcode, can now delete also the "cookiesDeclined" cookie. [Thank you, Sena Emilio] ^ [Improvement] Display the notification bar again asynchronously, after the user clicks on the "Delete Cookies" button at the shortcode area. ^ [Improvement] The shortcode parameters have been moved outside of the advanced settings (tab), and now have their own tab in the plugin settings. ! [Removed] The "Display Accepted Cookies Table" parameter has been removed. Instead you can use the shortcode {cpnb_cookies_info_table}. # [Typo Error] Should be "Texts for Languages", not "Texts for Lanugages", in the blue box header at the plugin settings. [Thank you, Laurent Marcelin] # [Bug Fixed] Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (only in PHP v7.2.x). # [Bug Fixed] The scrolling in modal is not displayed properly if we have a big list of logs (acceptance/declined) in the plugin settings. # [Bug Fixed] Some small issues that detected in the Joomla Debug Console have been resolved. ^ [Updated] The German (de-DE) translation has been updated. [Many thanks to Michael Maass] ^ [Updated] The Danish (da-DK) translation has been updated. New strings have been added [Thank you, Thomas Thrane] ^ [Updated] The Italian (it-IT) translation has been updated. New strings have been added [Thank you, Alberto Paracchini] (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin