Monthly Archive v3.3.0 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

13-Mar-2015 : v3.3.0 + LANGUAGE: French (fr-FR) language added for the component and module. + LANGUAGE: Danish (da-DK) language added for the component and module. + MODULE: You can select the menu item ID that is assigned with Monthly Archive. ! MODULE: List style parameter removed. # MODULE: Bug Fixed: Active color in the correct month link. # MODULE: Bug Fixed: Module doesn't display all months. ^ COMPONENT: Improved MVC functionality. ^ COMPONENT: In "Specific Month-Year" menu item, month and year fields are required. # COMPONENT: BUG Fixed: Error links with preffered alias and pagination links. ^ COMPONENT: Remove "limit,5" from url, if pagination is disabled. + COMPONENT: Nice CSS radio buttons for show/hide fields, in backend parameters . + COMPONENT: "Page Display" functionality for menu items. From menu item's tab. You can set custom browser title and page heading title in the front page of component. # COMPONENT: BUG Fixed: "Date Format" and "Custom Date Format" are now compatible with menu item parameters. + COMPONENT: You can allow all or one or two or more, HTML Tags for the introtext. # COMPONENT: BUG Fixed: K2 Notice: Undefined index: catalias (only in joomla 2.5.x). # COMPONENT: BUG Fixed: "Show page title" parameter, has been resolved. # COMPONENT: BUG Fixed: Notice messages displayed, if an item id hasn't images, the intro or the full image (only in joomla 2.5.x). + COMPONENT and MODULE: New Parameter added: You can sort the months by newest or oldest first. # BUG Fixed at backend: 500 - An error has occurred. JHtmlBehavior: :tabstate not supported. + ACL supported # Menu parameter has been renamed from "page_title" to "ma_page_title" for avoid conflicts with menu item title which has the same parameter name. # GENERAL CSS BUG FIXES. (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module