Monthly Archive v4.3.4 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

14-Mar-2018 : v4.3.4 + NEW PARAMETER: Load UIkit front-end framework. Optionally you can set this option to No if you have already are using a YOOtheme Pro template and you have detected some conflicts. [Many thanks to Michael Maass] + NEW OPTION: In the "Display Author" parameter field, you can now use the "Created by Alias" option for the Author name. [Many thanks to Suat Ural] # Some lines of code have been improved. (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module



Load UIkit front-end framework. Optionally you can set this option to No if you have already are using a YOOtheme Pro template and you have detected some conflicts.

monthly archive v4.3.4 load uikit


In the “Display Author” parameter field, you can now use the “Created by Alias” option for the Author name.

monthly archive v4.3.4 new option created by alias